Danny Trejo Drinking ? Yeah, “alternative” tequila !!

by | Aug 2, 2024 | Consumer Interest, Vegan Eats

Danny Trejo drinking non-alcohol drink

I almost freaked when I saw one of my Hero’s – Danny Trejo – sipping what looked to be an alcohol drink… woa !! I haven’t had a drink in 20 years myself and in my early sobriety I listened to a very influential tape made by Danny Trejo describing his history and how he stopped drinking. Very inspirational and moving to me. It hit home. All my dealings with the world and my family and my friends were at stake. I was “starting to get my marbles back” and his tape helped me to anchor it in. 

Well here we are with Danny and a drink in his hand and TG it’s his new version of “alternative” Tequila. There is some sugar in it but only about 1g. in a 2 ounce shot of the juice. The rest is pure water and flavorings. 0.0 % alcohol.

Yeah when I get back to the states, I’m definately going to try a bottle.


Here's a link to his site: