I was a happy camper for a few years at Siteground and what I remember most was their generally excellent tech support. I’ve used at least a dozen hosting companies since I started building websites on Yahoo GeoCities in 1993 or so. This was one of the best I ever used until a fatal problem when I tried to bundle the websites with a domain name. Siteground was great at hosting WordPress but they sucked at being a domain “host”.
They subcontracted the registrar duties to another provider. Even though I went to tech support over and over again because of problems with the domain I had moved there, my account got locked and it took maybe a month and a way high level dude in support to figure out what happened. All the techs were exceedingly polite all along and he was too, offering apologies… but for me it was fatal and I moved on. I had to wait 60 days to move the domain because of the ICAAN rule prohibiting moves. I lost the last month or two of hosting time I had paid for as well.
SO I do wish them good luck but I’d recommend to anyone reading… they were really good at hosting WP and their tech support people might be the best… but I would avoid their domain service. I won’t use them again for many years if even then.